Been a long time since I thought such thoughts... found no one in particular to bounce these off...
Was very excited about Web 2.0 and stuff last one year or so.. don't you think there is scope for something which can help me store/monitor/track all my (or my various identities') contributions on the web and responses and where what I wrote is being quoted etc etc.... literally being aware of me all over the web.... may be 'something' as part of the browser... I tell that 'something' to remember that I wrote this on a certain site as a response to some content... and then a few days later 'it' comes back and tells me that someone else said something else about what I wrote... or that it found the same thing being written by someone else somewhere else.... not sure if i am making sense...
now for another one... the whole idea is to make the web bigger and hence make bigger business for the biggies of the web (G,M,Y etc..) so I was wondering if someone can help me come up with a choice of making a my certain cell phone conversation public... and hence make my call free... so I could be a regular guy giving feedback on various things... just pick up the phone and.... blog!
Or have some of my call time public and having that pay for the rest of my private call time.
and from that came something else... how about a business model where you pay for what you don't use.... say cell phone minutes... talk a minimum of 60 (blog?) minutes a day... else pay...
can this be put anywhere else?...
tell me something....
Lack-luster budget: Dr. JP
15 years ago